

Το διαγνωστικό κέντρο Protelia είναι ένα σύγχρονο κέντρο υπερηχοτομογραφίας το οποίο είναι εξοπλισμένο με τελευταίας τεχνολογίας υπερηχοτομογράφο και στο οποίο εκτελούνται όλες οι εξετάσεις για βρέφη, παιδιά και ενήλικες.

Oι Aρχές μας

  • Πρόσβαση: Πρόσβαση σε ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες υγείας ακτινοδιαγνωστικής για όλους τους πολίτες.
  • Ποιότητα: Ασφαλής, αποτελεσματική και έγκαιρη φροντίδα που ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες των ασθενών και βρίσκεται στα υψηλότερα δυνατά πρότυπα ποιότητας.
  • Ανταπόκριση και συντονισμός φροντίδας υγείας γύρω από τις ανάγκες του κάθε ασθενή που επισκέπτεται το Protelia.

More about Dr. Elisavet Protopapa

Curriculum Vitae

  • Born in Nicosia, Cyprus, 29/04/1977.
  • Nationality: Cypriot.
  • High School: 1992-1995-Kykkos A Lyceum-Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Medical School: 1995-2001-University of Crete-Heraklion, Greece.
  • Cypriot Republic Scholarship (Ministry of Economics) for excellence in 6 academic years 1995-2001.
  • Award from the Hellenic Scholarship Institution for academic excellence and character for the following years: 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000.
  • Medical Preregistration: 3/9/2001-2/9/2002-General Hospital of Larnaca, Cyprus.

(Training in Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Unit and  Surgery).


  • Radiology Specialty training:

1/10/2002– 29/11/2003: Children’s Hospital “A.&P. Kyriakou, Athens, Greece.

3/12/2003–2/12/2007: Hippocratio General Hospital, Athens, Greece.

  • Specialty exams in Radiology passed on 18/12/2007.


  • Working as specialist in Radiology:

From 1/03/2008-20/11/2008: Apollonio Private Hospital, Lefkothea MRI center

From 21/11/2008 to present: A Evresis Diagnostic Center

  • Graduate student: MA in Health Care Management (Open University of Cyprus)-starting September 2008.


  • Professional Board Certifications & Licensure:

Greece Medical License

Cyprus Medical License

Basic Life Support


  • Professional memberships

Cyprus Radiological Society

Hellenic Radiological Society

European Society of Radiology

Radiological Society of North America

Cyprus Medical Association

Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


  • I speak English and French (General Certificate of Education O Level in both languages).



Full paper scientific publications

  • International journals
  1. D. Cokkinos, E. Spanou, S. Giannou, E. Protopapa, L. Kyriakou, D. Mantzoukis. Pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal of Infection 2006; 52: e41-e43.
  2. N. Chalazonitis, I. Jovara, E. Sammouti, N. Ptohis, I. Sotiropoulou, E. Protopapa, V. Nikolaou, A.A. Ghiatas. The Importance of Computed Tomography in Appendicitis. Accepted in: Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology-Official Journal of the Turkish Society of Radiology 2006; Manuscript ID: DIR-709-06.
  • Greek journals
  1. N. Chalazonitis, G. Theodosiades, E. Nomikou, V. Tsevrenis, E. Protopapa, G. Zografos. Gynecomastia with microcalcifications in an HIV infected Hemophilia A patient. A case report. Hellenic archives of AIDS 2004; 12 (3): 229-234.
  2. Protopapa, N. Sakaridis, S. Velitsista, S. Giannou, DD. Cokkinos. What do doctors know about patients’ radiation exposure? Hellenic Radiology 2005; 36: 88-91.
  3. Ptohis, A.N. Chalazonitis, E. Sotiropoulou, I. Tzovara, E. Protopapa, K. Papaioannou. The role of plain film in diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Medical archives 2006; (9): 344-349.


Scientific presentations

  • International meetings
  1. DD. Cokkinos, E. Protopapa, N. Sakaridis, I. Papaconstantinou, S. Giannou. Emergency non traumatic urogenital imaging. What happens when CT is not available? European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) 2005.
  2. A.N. Chalazonitis, J. Jovara, G. Tsimitselis, E. Protopapa, N. Sakaridis, A.A. Ghiatas. Plain-film Examination of Acquired Heart Disease: Tales of the Past or Still a Valuable Diagnostic Tool? Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2005.
  3. A.N. Chalazonitis, J. Jovara, G. Tsimitselis, N. Sakaridis, E. Protopapa, A.A. Ghiatas. Hysterosalpingography: A Pictorial Review. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2005. Certificate of Merit.
  4. A.N. Chalazonitis, J. Jovara, E. Protopapa, S. Giannou. Ultrasound guided interventional procedures. A simple way of self-training. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2005.
  5. G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, E. Ampatziadis, M. Malamas. The role of MRI in ankylosing spondylitis. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2006.
  6. M. Malamas, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, K. Georganas, G. Delimpasis. The role of MR angiography for the diagnosis and follow-up of Takayasu arteritis. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2006.
  7. A.N. Chalazonitis, J. Jovara, G. Tsimitselis, E. Protopapa, N. Ptohis. Plain-film Examination of Acquired Heart Disease: Tales of the Past or Still a Valuable Diagnostic Tool? European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2006.
  8. G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Detection of sacroiliitis in patients with Crohn’s disease using MRI: Preliminary results. European Society of Skeletal Radiology (ESSR) 2006.
  9. E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos, A. Fousteris, E. Seferos, E. Tako, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis. Pouch of Douglas (Cul-De-Sac) Abnormalities-Imaging Findings. European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) 2006.
  10. A. Fousteris, E. Seferos, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, P. Filis, E. Tako E, G. Delimpasis. Diagnosis of adrenal lesions with MSCT. European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) 2006.
  11. E. Seferos, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, E. Tako, A. Fousteris, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis. Characterization of renal masses with Multislice CT. European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) 2006.
  12. A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, E. Tako, M. Malamas. MR imaging of prostate cancer. European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) 2006.
  13. A.N. Chalazonitis, J. Tzovara, E. Protopapa, G. Ptohis, P. Porfyridis, S. Boulia. Far of MRI and MDCT voices: chest x-ray of acquired heart diseases. European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR) 2006.
  14. E. Protopapa, Α. Gyftopoulos, P. Filis. Pitfalls in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism with CT angiography. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2007.
  15. P. Filis, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, E. Sammouti, E. Seferos, A. Fousteris. Primary renal lymphoma. European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2007.
  16. A.N.Chalazonitis, G.Tsimitselis, J.Tzovara, N.Ptohis, E.Protopapa, M.Avlianos Understanding cardiac physiology on chest radiographs. 93nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America RSNA 2007. Chicago
  17. E. Protopapa, Α. Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, E. Despotopoulos, P. Filis. Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: Tips and tricks. European Society of thoracic imaging (ESTI) 2007.
  18. Α. Gyftopoulos, Protopapa,, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis, E. Despotopoulos. Thoracic CT in the intensive care unit: spectrum of findings and clinical usefulness. European Society of thoracic imaging (ESTI) 2007.
  19. Chalazonitis AN, DD Cokkinos, K Papaioannou, E Protopapa, M Avlianos, E Karouzaki, E Daskalaki. Are doctors aware of radiation doses induced on their patients? 5th Balkan Congress of Radiology, Serbia 2007.
  20. Cokkinos DD, AN Chalazonitis, E Daskalaki, E Karouzaki, M Avlianos, K Papaioannou, E Protopapa

Keep an open eye for pitfalls in plain radiographs! Normal variants, technical errors and known foreign bodies could lead to diagnostic errors. 5th Balkan Congress of Radiology, Serbia 2007.

  1. Cokkinos DD, AN Chalazonitis, E Karouzaki, E Daskalaki, M Avlianos, K Papaioannou, E Protopapa

Study of the prevalence of hepatic echinococcus cysts in rural and immigrant population and imaging findings with plain films, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance. 5th Balkan Congress of Radiology, Serbia 2007.

  1. Chalazonitis AN, DD Cokkinos, M Avlianos, K Papaioannou, E Protopapa, E Karouzaki, E Daskalaki Tuberculosis of the lung reappears. Plain film and computed tomography findings of a disease that we have to study again. 5th Balkan Congress of Radiology, Serbia 2007.
  2. DK. Filippiadis, M. Stassinopoulou, E. Andriotis, K. Morfas, K. Tavernaraki, K. Deliveliotis, L. Mailli, E. Protopapa. Treatment of pleural effusions in oncologic patients with catheters placed percutaneously under CT guidance. European Society of thoracic imaging (ESTI) 2007.


  • Greek meetings
  1. DD. Cokkinos, S. Giannou, E. Protopapa, I. Papaconstantinou, D. Panousopoulos, N. Gavalas. Turner syndrome and hepatic adenoma in a patient with estrogen administration. 14th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2004.
  2. G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Georganas, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Ankylosing spondylitis: MR imaging. 15th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2005.
  3. A. Petrou, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. Acute spontaneous epidural haematoma of cervical spine. A case report. 15th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2005.
  4. A. Gyftopoulos, A. Petrou, E. Protopapa, A. Roulias, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. Encephalitis of limbic system as a paraneoplastic presentation. A case report. 15th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2005.
  5. G. Delimpasis, E. Tsakouridou, A. Gyftopoulos, D. Mpourlos, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Inolipoamartoma of iliac nerve. A case report. 15th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2005.
  6. A.N. Chalazonitis, P. Porfiridis, I. Tzovara, N. Ptohis, V. Nikolaou, E. Protopapa. Plain film examination of congenital heart disease. Tales of the past or still valuable diagnostic tool? 15th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2005.
  7. E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos. The role of Multislice Computer Tomography in emergency diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. 15th Medical Symposium of General Airforce and V.A. Hospital 2005.
  8. S. Velitsista, DD. Cokkinos, E. Protopapa, A. Kontogiannis, M. Avlianos, K. Papaioannou, N. Gavalas. Are we seeing the same things? Discrepancy in ultrasound measurement of abdominal organs between examiners of different experience levels. 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  9. E. Protopapa, DD. Cokkinos, E. Daskalaki, I. Tzemailas, A. Bouga, H. Makrikosta, T. Kenton, N. Gavalas. Normal variants, foreign bodies and technical errors in plain films. How easy is it to make a diagnostic error? 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  10. E. Protopapa, DD. Cokkinos, N. Sakaridis, I. Papaconstantinou, S. Giannou, N. Gavalas. Plain films, ultrasound and intravenous urography still have a role in the imaging of non traumatic urogenital emergencies without computed tomography. 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  11. A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. Acute spontaneous epidural haematoma of cervical spine. MR imaging. 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  12. G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of iliac nerve inolipoamartoma. 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  13. E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Georganas, M. Malamas. The importance of MRI in diagnosis and follow-up of ankylosing spondylitis. 2nd Cypro-Hellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  14. A.N. Chalazonitis, I. Tzovara, S. Velitsista, E. Protopapa, M. Avlianos, N. Ptohis Everything you always wanted to know about water-soluble x-ray iodinated contrast media, but were afraid to ask. Hellenic congress of General Medicine 2006.
  15. A.N. Chalazonitis, I. Tzovara, N. Ptohis, P. Porfiridis, E. Protopapa, I. Sotiropoulou. Chest x-ray: better understanding minimises less radiation from unnecessary CT scans. Hellenic congress of General Medicine 2006.
  16. G. Delimpasis, E. Protopapa, A. 16. Fousteris, A. Gyftopoulos. Ultrasonographic imaging of tendon pathology. 16th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2006.
  17. G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Seferos, E. Protopapa, A. Fousteris. Ultrasonographic detection of soft tissue masses. 16th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2006.
  18. G. Delimpasis, A. Fousteris, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa. The role of ultrasound in detection of intra and periarticular cysts and effusions. 16th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2006.
  19. A.Gyftopoulos, A. Fousteris, G. Delimpasis, K. Sifaki, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Detection of pineal cysts as an incidental finding on brain MRI in healthy adults. 16th Interuniversity Radiology Congress 2006.
  20. E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Seferos, A. Fousteris, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis. Pulmonary Embolism: MDCT diagnosis. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  21. A.Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, A. Fousteris, E. Protopapa, K. Sifaki, M. Malamas. MR imaging of prostate gland with the use of transrectal coil. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  22. A.Fousteris, E. Seferos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, P. Filis. The role of MDCT in differential diagnosis of adrenal lesions. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  23. E. Seferos, A. Fousteris, E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis. The role of MDCT in differential diagnosis of renal lesions. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  24. G. Delimpasis, E. Protopapa, K. Sifaki, A. Gyftopoulos, A. Fousteris, M. Malamas. The role of MRI in diagnosis and follow-up of ankylosing spondylitis. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  25. E. Protopapa, A. Fousteris, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Sifaki, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. Vascular cerebral malfmormations-MR imaging. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  26. G. Delimpasis, E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Sifaki, A. Fousteris, M. Malamas. The role of MR imaging in detection of sacroiliitis in patients with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. 21st Armed Forces Medical Congress 2006.
  27. Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, A. Fousteris, E. Protopapa, M. Malamas. Pineal cysts. Incidental MR finding in student pilots. 3rd Hellenic Congress of aviation and space medicine 2006.
  28. E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, A, Fousteris, K. Sifaki, N. Kyriakopoulos, A. Gyftopoulos, E. Sammouti, M. Malamas. Cysticercosis. A case report. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  29. A.Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, N. Kyriakopoulos, E. Sammouti, K. Sifaki, G. Delimpasis, A. Fousteris, M. Malamas. The importance of MR Angiography in diagnosis of endocranial aneurysms. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  30. A.Gyftopoulos, E. Protopapa, G. Delimpasis, P. Filis. Primary renal lymphoma: The role of MDCT imaging. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  31. E. Protopapa, A. Fousteris, N. Kyriakopoulos, E. Sammouti, G. Delimpasis, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Sifaki, M. Malamas. MR imaging of shoulder instability. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  32. A. Fousteris, E. Sammouti, E. Protopapa, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Sifaki, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. The role of MRI in diagnosis and follow-up of vertebral metastases. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  33. A. Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, E. Protopapa, K. Sifaki, P. Filis. Indomethacin induced osteoarthropathy. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  34. G. Delimpasis, E. Protopapa, K. Sifaki, A. Gyftopoulos, A. Fousteris, N. Kyriakopoulos, M. Malamas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the early diagnosis of brucellar sacroiliitis. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  35. N. Kyriakopoulos, G. Delimpasis, A. Fousteris, E. Protopapa, E. Sammouti, A. Gyftopoulos, K. Sifaki, M. Malamas. Rotator cuff pathology. MR imaging. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  36. E. Protopapa, K. Sifaki, A. Gyftopoulos, G. Delimpasis, M. Malamas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of intracranial vascular malfmormations. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.
  37. A Bouga, DD Cokkinos, S Velitsista, N Sakaridis, E Protopapa, K Papaioannou, G Giannakopoulou, N Gavalas. Skeletal normal variants in plain films. 15th Panhellenic Congress of Radiology 2006.

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